Brioche col Tuppo
Europe Recipes

I for Italy (Brioche col Tuppo)

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Brioche col Tuppo are wonderfull fluffy and soft breakfast rolls from Italy. You will love them and you will be keen on spending your next vacation in Italy. I promise! However, before you learn more about Italian breakfast and Brioche col Tuppo I'll quickly show you a few nice pictures from my last city trip before Corona in autumn 2019 to the wonderful city of Rome.

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Roman impressions

Breakfast in Italy

But now for breakfast. You probably know that Italians aren't big breakfast eaters. Strictly speaking, in Italy you have to distinguish between the first breakfast - La Prima Colazione - and the second breakfast, which is eaten around 10 a.m. Moreover, there is the big breakfast brunch on the weekend:

The first breakfast - La Prima Colazione

The first breakfast (La Prima Colazione) is actually just a small snack. This is because breakfast has to be done quickly and, on the other hand, because most Italians eat dinner relatively late.

Those who have breakfast at home are usually satisfied with two to three sweet cookies (Biscotti) or some pieces of rusks (Fette biscottate) and not more. Since the dry breakfast biscuits are typically very hard, they are often dipped in hot coffee or - for the children - in hot milk to protect the teeth. In addition, coffee and milk taste even better with the softened, sweet biscuit crumbs. Some white bread with jam or Nutella is also common for the first breakfast.

italienisches Frühstück

Many Italians have their first breakfast on their way to work while standing in a bar. One of the reasons for this is that many Italian bars charge a service fee for a seat. Thus, sitting down makes breakfast more expensive. The first breakfast in a bar usually consists of an espresso and a pastry, such as a Cornetto (croissant).

Cornetto und Espresso

The cornetto is the Italian version of the French croissant. In contrast to croissants, cornettos are always filled with a sweet cream (e.g. chocolate or vanilla) and sometimes jam. Be aware: In northern Italy the croissant is not called cornetto, but Brioche instead. Brioche con Tuppo again is a specialty from southern Italy (Sicily) that has nothing to do with the cornetto-croissant. But more on that in a moment.

The second breakfast

Since the small snack in the early morning does not last very long, there is a second breakfast around 10 a.m., which is a bit more extensive. In addition to coffee and sweet pastries, sandwiches with cheese, sausage, tomatoes, etc. (tramezzini) are served.

Breakfast at the week-end

At the weekend, the “poor” breakfast changes into an extensive brunch with hot and cold, sweet and savory dishes. Since the whole family often meets for breakfast on the weekend, a brunch like this can easlily last to the afternoon. It's also not uncommon to switch for wine after having finished the morning coffee.

Brioche col Tuppo

My favorite for Italian breakfast are Brioche col Tuppo (Brioche with a dot).

As mentioned above, the Brioche col Tuppo are not to be confused with cornettos (croissants). Cornettos (croissants) are only called brioche in northern Italy.

Brioche col Tuppo actually come from Sicily. Similar to the French brioche, they are fluffy soft rolls made from sweet yeast dough. The yeast rolls consist of two balls: one large and one small (the "tuppo" or knot). Before baking, the small tuppo is placed on the large ball of dough. Since the dough contains a lot of butter and eggs, Brioche col Tuppo are golden-yellow outside and nicely soft inside. They are eaten instead of bread for breakfast, either pure or with butter and jam:

Brioche col Tuppo mit Butter und Marmelade

Especially in Sicily, where it is very hot in summer, Brioche col Tuppo are often served with Granita or Granita al cafférespectively. Granita is a water ice cream with a sorbet-like consistency. We also often refer to it as slush ice. Granita al caffé is frozen and scraped sweet coffee:

Brioche col Tuppo e Granita al Caffé

Equally popular and not just with children is Brioche col Tuppo in the versione of an ice cream-sandwich:

Brioche col Tuppo als Eissandwich

I am pretty sure you are keen on Brioche col Tuppo now. Thus, here comes the recipe.

Enjoy baking and Buon Appetito (Enjoy you meal)!!!

Brioche col Tuppo

Brioche col Tuppo from Italy

Course Bread, breakfast, pastry
Cuisine Italy, Sicily


  • 500 g flour (type 550)
  • 100 ml milk (lukewarm)
  • 40 g sugar
  • 20 g fresh yeast
  • 5 g salt
  • 100 g butter (room temperature)
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 whisked egg for spreading


  • For the brioche col Tuppo, melt the yeast in the lukewarm milk.
  • Sift the flour into a mixing bowl. Add sugar, salt and butter (cut into small pieces).
  • Add the yeast milk and kneat it roughly.
  • Add the eggs one after another. Continue roughly kneading the dough with your hands.
  • Knead a smooth, elastic dough using a food processor or by hand.
  • Cover the bowl with cling film or a kitchen towel and let thedough rise at a warm place for 1 - 2 hours (possibly more) until the volume has approximately doubled.
  • Dust the work surface with flour.
  • Knead the dough well with your hands on the floured work surface and divide it into 12 equal pieces. Separate a piece about the size of a praline from each of these pieces.
  • Shape the dough pieces into large and small balls.
  • Press in the middle of each large ball at the top a notch with your thumb. Place the small ball in this notch and press down lightly.
  • Spread Brioche col Tuppo with the whisked egg, place them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and let them rise for another 30 minutes.
  • Pre heat the oven to 180 degrees celcius.
  • Bake the brioche col tuppo for about 15 minutes on the middle rack until golden-yellow.


Be sure to serve the brioche fresh or freeze them immediately after baking.
They taste just as good on their own as they do with butter and jam.
In Sicily, where Brioche con Tuppo originally come from, they are often served with Grantia (slush ice cream) or as ice cream sandwich (cut open and filled with ice cream scoops).

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