Kasha (Buchweizenbrei aus Russland)
Asia Recipes

R for Russia (Kasha)

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Kasha is a delicious - mostly sweet - porridge made from buckwheat, which is traditionally served for breakfast in Russia. Not only children but also adults love Kasha for breakfast.

However, before I will let you know more about the breakfast in Russia, first of all some interesting information about Russian cuisine in general.

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Russian cuisine


Russian cuisine is very diverse, as many different ethnic groups live together in this big country and their traditions are mixed. In particular, the former Soviet states from Central Asia, Caucasus and Ukraine influence Russian cuisine. For birthday celebration or on other important occasions Russians like to go to Georgian restaurants. Me too, I love gerogian dishes a lot. Thus, you find more about Georgian cuisine as well as a delicious breakfast recipe for Georgian Chatschapuri on my blog..

Urban - Rural

Of course, eating habits in the city differ from those in rural areas: People living in the countryside usually eat more richly and heartily, while the people in the city are more influenced by international and globalised eating habits. Thus, breakfast in Moscow can simply consist of bread, butter and jam, similar to what we have in Germany. In rural areas, self-sufficiency with fruit, vegetables and milk still prevails.

Typical dishes

Some dishes of Russian cuisine are known worldwide, such as: borscht (beetroot soup) or Soljanka (Krautsuppe). Die meisten von Euch dürften auch gefüllte Teigtaschen Pelmeni (comparable to tortellini) or Piroschki (mostly made from yeast or puff dough). Bœuf Stroganoff (beef fillet tips with a sauce made from onions, sour cream and mustard, and usually with mushrooms) has even become a classic in international fine dining.

Caviar has a special position in Russia. It is usually eaten in combination with vodka on New Year's Eve. During the Soviet era, caviar was an object of prestige for foreigners, while the locals ate other canned fish.

Sakuski - starters

For a main meal you should bring enough hunger with you, as the starters (so-called Sakuski) are opulent and stomach-filling. In general sakuski are served as a buffet consisting of smoked cold cuts, herring or other fish, mixed salads, aspic, piroshki, pickled vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, beetroot, cabbage or mushrooms as well as filled eggs, hard cheese, red or black caviar, canapés, sandwiches and breads. Sakuski are usually eaten with Ice-cold vodka.

Breakfast in Russia

Russian breakfast is also very rich and you will get a lot of energy for the day. In addition to bread, butter, boiled sausage, cheese and jam, fried potatoes and eggs (scrambled eggs / fried eggs) are also served.

In Russland isst man auch Pfannkuchen gerne zum Frühstück. Es gibt viele unterschiedliche Arten von Pfannkuchen. Syrniki mainly consist of curd, egg and very little flour. I like them best with icing sugar and homemade jam:

Syrniki (russische Quarkpfannkuchen)
Syrniki - Russian pancakes with curd

Oladji however, mainly consist of flour, eggs and kefir (or yogurt). Served warm with jam, they simply taste unbeatably delicious - not only - for breakfast:

Oladi (russische Pfannkuchen)
Oladji (Russische Pfannkuchen)

Blini are typically served at Maslenizaa typical East Slavic festival at the end of winter. They are usually made with buckwheat flour. Blini are served savory, e.g. with salmon or caviar, or sweet with curd, sour cream, jam and fruit:

Blini - Russian pancakes made from buckwheat flour


The absolute classic of the Russian breakfast is probably Kasha , which is simply a thick porridge made from buckwheat, water or milk.

Kasha is inexpensive and easy to make. Especially in winter, Kasha has a warming effect and keeps you full for a long time.

In Russia, Kasha is usually served with sugar and melted butter. I like Kasha best with a little sugar, honey and fresh fruit. Kasha also tastes very good heartily fried in a pan with vegetables. However, I haven't tried this variant yet.

One more tip before you start preparing Kasha : You should roast the buckwheat beforehand in a hot pan until it smells good. Doing so your Kasha will taste particularly nutty.

So long, I wish you a lot of fun and Приятного аппетита (Enjoy you meal)!!!

Kasha (Buchweizenbrei aus Russland)


Cook Time 20 minutes
Course Breakfast
Cuisine Russia
Servings 2 Portions


  • 80 g buckwheat
  • 250 ml milk
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 tsp. sugar
  • 2 tbsp. honey
  • 100 g fresh fruit as you like


  • Roast the buckwheat in a hot pan without fat until it smells nutty.
  • Add milk, salt and sugar and bring to boil.
  • Reduce the heat and let it simmer, half covered, for 10-15 minutes (stir occasionally).
  • Divide the porridge into 2 bowls.
  • Garnish the porridge with fresh fruit and honey.
Keyword porridge, buckwheat, kasha, breakfast

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